Saturday, 25 April 2020

Sowing and Reaping

We quoted the Bible the other day: if you don’t sow, you won’t reap.  True enough, so it’s as well that the greenhouse is fully stocked – ready for the next phase in the life of Garden Codger’s Nursery. Yesterday (Friday) disappeared in a haze. We were unexpectedly busy and, as a result, almost the all of my garden-ready perennials went out or were allocated for delivery today. Keep an eye on the donations page (click here). It’s amazing to think that, in a few weeks, the entire stock of plants reserved for Angela and Keith’s annual charity sale have been gobbled up. I am very grateful for your enthusiastic support

The greenhouse
I must tell you the story of my greenhouse sometime. Without it we would not be able to do what we do. As you can see, everything is growing away marvellously. What fantastic weather we have been having! We are now gearing up for the next phase where fruit and veg will be the thing. However:

Flowers will not be forgotten …
There are a number of perennials left. I will let you know the range in a few days’ time when I’ve taken stock. Some of you have been attracted by the sight of Margaret’s irises (see top left - our friend, the robin, had been waiting and waiting). They are a lovely scented variety; irises do not usually have a scent - and such a delicate shade of blue. I am glad to say that they propagate well so a good number of plants should be available later. Garden Codger will also keep you informed about other flowering plants – dahlias, cosmos, geraniums and so forth. As they say, watch this space …

Fruit and veg
I said I would let you know about tomato varieties. You may be aware of supply problems caused by the sudden imposition of the lockdown, the closure of garden centres and online supplies getting completely clogged (delivery delays of 15 days being quoted by many companies). I already had some seed, so I reckon we have 150 tomato plants at different stages – hopefully enough to meet demand. The mainstay will be Money Maker and Harzfeuer, the latter being standard issue at Lidl – that’s how I discovered them. I find them suitable for both the greenhouse and outside. Both Money Maker and Harzfeuer are cordon varieties. Probably of greater interest will be bush tomatoes which I intend supply already potted up - so you do not have to plant out. An instant feed-and-grow option producing lovely sweet cherry tomatoes – true PYO!

So, there is much to do. And a garden to look after – I have not yet mentioned beans, lettuce, kale, cucumbers, melons – the list goes on and on! So, look out for the next blog early next week

So, all for now from the Garden Codger

... and even the garden proper to look after - sometimes!

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