Plants for You

Garden Codger Nursery: Plants available
(UPDATED 18th April 2022)

Now that the new growing season is here we are busy in the garden preparing plants that will be great in your garden

It is difficult to find time to keep the list bang up-to-date but I shall do my best. Currently I have over 250 plants in stock - probably nearer 300

I shall be updating this page so do visit again to see what is coming onstream - it's a busy time! 

Scroll down as the list gets longer - flowers are listed in the first section, then fruit

Flower section


First off the block we have a range of hellebores - a somewhat underrated plant in our estimation. It does well in shade and, the really big thing - it flowers January to March, when little else is in flower. We have a range of colours from white to purple. You have a choice of small young plants to larger and well-established specimens

Now is a good time to plant so you get flowers next winter


We have a lovely pale blue iris, propagated from our own stock last year. We think the variety is Jane Philips. It flowers really well and, unusually, is delightfully scented. Jane Philips is a lovely variety that has proved very popular with friends

We ran out of plants last year and only have a few that we kept over the winter ready to plant now

Clematis Napaulensis

A somewhat rare and rather special clematis. As its name suggests, it originates from Nepal and Northern India

It is winter flowering and beautifully scented 

Difficult to come by, we only have one plant. First come, first served

(Codger is hoping to propagate more)

Geranium Ingwersen

To give the full name, this is Geranium macrorhizum Ingwersen's Variety - some mouthful

Otherwise a big-rooted Cranesbill

Sought after!


We have three main types of chrysanthemums. First, and less usual, the so-called Spider Chrysanthemem in lovely delicate shades. See photo on the right

Then, shown below, there is the more traditional type. In a range of colours, these grow quite tall - about five feet. Sturdy plants in big pots available now. They have a long flowering period and make very good cut flowers

Then, a third type usually called pot mums. These are late flowering and look great on the patio

Verbena Bonariensis

Strong, healthy, one year-old plants with well developed roots

Like everything else in Codger's nursery, organically grown

Best grouped in multiple for the best effect, so - first-come, first-served. Look great at the back of the border


Several varieties are available. We particularly recommend Rudbeckia Prairie Sun - a new introduction last year. We have a good number of really sturdy plants that will reliably flower right through the season and well into the autumn

Lysimachia punctata

The are strong plants. Divided last autumn and donated by a retired professional gardener thanks Ray!)

Robust and easy to cultivate


Gaillardia are great for a dry, sunny spot. Seem bulletproof yet they keep on giving

Succession of bright flowers as in this photograph. We have several different varieties

Ox-eye daisy
Also for the border (coming on but not yet ready):
  • Echinacea (purple cone flower)
  • Salvias - young plants but doing well  choice of varieties / colours
  • Japanese anenome - wide selection
  • Many more - will list them as soon as I can

Peony - lovely pink with yellow-ochre centre

This is a one-off. In a large pot, a well-established plant already raring to go

Also rather special ... ...


I need to check the variety - but have a photo for you

Strong plants that will flower right through the year if given protection - we love them. Ours does best in the conservatory but they are fine outside in the summer. Just pruned (as they should be) and ready to bush out and grow away. Recommended!

MahoniaWinter Sun

Clematis Nepaulensis

Another one-off. A difficult-to-source clematis that flowers in the winter. Photo to follow but we can assure - a good quality plant

Also winter flowering: 

Mahonia Winter Sun

Rather special in shady corner

Many more - I need the time to enter them up - busy outside at the moment

Fruit Section

Very briefly for the moment ...

We have two varieties of rhubarb available - strong plants that will still give a crop this year

We also have blueberries - three varieties to span the growing season

Also really strong strawberry plants - an excellent Malling variety

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