Monday, 27 April 2020

GYO: Kale is King

Italian to the left - Red KX-1 to the right
Kale suddenly rose up the superfood charts a few years ago.  Deservedly so, as it is an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as being high in calcium and iron. Two varieties are available now from the Garden Codger – a red and a green.  The red variety sounds as though it appeared in Battlestar Galactica: KX-1. It is an attractive plant that you can easily mix in the flower border. The green variety sounds like an Italian opera: Cavolo Nero di Toscana. The two are totally different in appearance, both of these vegetables are well worth growing 

You could plant now and still be harvesting and eating next winter!

Cavolo Nero di Toscana
Plant now, pay later!
Now we are moving onto veg supplies please feel completely free to take them as they become available.  We will alert you, crop by crop, at the time they are ready for planting. Just keep a note of what you have and make a donation later in the season if that suits best – Garden Codger is very trusting, don’t you know?

Plenty more on the way - it is an excellent growing season
More veg plants– and more flowering plants
You can see from the photo that we have plenty coming on. Loads of lettuce, for example. And, again, it is so easy to slip in a lettuce into a flower border – true cottage-garden style. We have a quite few different varieties on offer – each good in their own way (watch this space). I am glad to say many people who have ordered plants from the Garden Codger Nursery are relatively new to gardening and have appreciated our advice in plant selection. For our part we have been taken aback by the generosity of the donations received. Click on the donation button here if you would like to see how things are going at the moment

Plants available: both rhubarb and strawberry
Strawberries and cream
We almost forgot! Did you notice that to the left of the kale are two strawberry plants? In flower, too! Just think you could be enjoying your own strawberries and cream in just a couple of weeks. They are an excellent Malling variety – we have only two so: first come, first served

By the way, we have just enjoyed absolutely delicious rhubarb and custard in the Garden Codger Nursery kitchen. The supply of both cream and custard remains an issue but we do have one – just one – rhubarb plant on offer.  And once again it’s a matter of first come, first served

Best wishes from the Garden Codger

PS - GYO = Grow-Your-Own

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