Monday, 11 May 2020

Momentous moment

Prime Minister's broadcast to the nation on Sunday May 10
Did you know that Boris is a student of Winston Churchill? As soon as Mr Johnson’s leadership intentions became obvious four years ago, I bought Boris’ book on the great man as a means of gaining an insight into the motivations of Boris, himself. You could see and hear the influences in the lockdown speech last night. It is inviting to make comparisons especially since The Darkest Hour was broadcast on the previous evening. Being born during WW2 and growing up in its shadow, Garden Codger might be allowed one observation: politicians now carefully avoid any reference to dependence on God – as though that might be an indication of weakness. We are constantly directed to Science but not to the One who created all things. In some ways, life has become simpler during lockdown

The simplicity of praying give us this day our daily bread seems to have taken on deeper significance. And, the following petition – forgive us our trespasses – greater relevance. So, with the indications of a degree of change in lockdown policy, Garden Codger has some thoughts about our own intentions

Born out of Lockdown
This blog came about as a result of lockdown. To save repetition, you can read about it here. In an immediate sense, and through the support of our followers, we achieved our target weeks ago. It now appears that more is possible, so Garden Codger has raised his sights a bit – to £1000 for BCM. You can see how well we are doing by clicking here

Cerise is a prolific bush tomato
Meanwhile, the seeds we sowed at the beginning have grown wonderfully. The greenhouse is bursting with plants that are longing for a place in your garden. As previously indicated, we are hoping that many of you will wish to try growing yourselves – even if for the very first time. So here we go with bush tomatoes

Bush Tomatoes - ORDER NOW!
I think it may be necessary to bust the myth that tomatoes require lots of specialist knowledge. Not so, if you go for a bush variety. All you will need is a sunny spot and a drop of feed. No need to pinch out – just feed and grow. The selected variety is Tomato Cerise – they will produce lots of bite-size sweet tomatoes. If they crop well – and they should – a bit of support may be needed. Order now!

Veg plants - with trademark milk cartons
Also ready NOW! Kale plus …
Ready-to-plant vegetables looking for a home:
Kale KX-1 – red kale – OK in a border
Kale Toscana – operatic flavour
Broccoli – the old sprouting sort
Lettuce – Little Gem and etc
Melons - choice of varieties
Rhubarb – long season variety

They had not watched MasterChef. 2" at an angle better
The world’s best 15-minute dessert 
Mention of rhubarb triggers a desire on the part of Garden Codger to promote his favourite dessert. Here is his timed recipe (time includes harvesting!) Saunter to the rhubarb patch. Harvest half-a-dozen stalks, discarding the leaves. Saunter back and wash the stalks. Top and tail and then cut them into 2” lengths, shorter if the stalks are thick. (If you are a MasterChef viewer you can make the cuts at 60 degrees.) Put in a saucepan in half an inch of water. Add sugar to taste then add a bit more. Bring to boil and simmer for two minutes, turn off, using the residual heat to complete cooking. Do not boil to a mush – rhubarb is a delicacy. Serve into bowls adding your preferred accompaniment – custard, Greek yoghurt, crème fresh, fromage frais, ice-cream in any combination. To perfect perfection serve with a Scottish shortbread. Eat slowly, savouring the beautiful fruity, faintly earthy taste – sampling as you would a fine wine - and dwell on the food-miles you have saved. Wonderful. [Overall time, including harvesting and consumption, 20 minutes, unless you have a second helping – a strong possibility]

The greenhouse is calling - all for now - best wishes from the Garden Codger

PS - it's always good to hear from regular readers. So - Worried of Wombourne and Overwhelmed of Oxford  - your concerns have been noted: advice of composting is coming soon. Meanwhile, don't throw stuff away. If it has lived once, it can live again!

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