Friday, 25 September 2020

A day out (2)

As of a couple of hours ago - now possibly consumed!
I had forgotten that we had some ripe strawberries ready to pick (it's nearly October!), the tomatoes needed watering, the bird feeders were empty etc, etc

An hour-and-a-half later and I was onto the main job I went out to do - moving and splitting a Gaillardia. I wanted to do it today so that I could mention a few plants that will be ready and waiting for any takers

Gaillardias attract bees

Now is a good time of year to be planting. The soil is still warm and you'll find that the strong root growth will produce better plants next Spring. It may seem to be the wrong time of year but, be assured, it's a good idea

A word about the Gaillardia. It is really useful in a dry and sunny spot - just seems to thrive on neglect. It multiplies, too - but without becoming a nuisance

One plant becomes eight!
You only need one and you are away. So, if you want something that is colourful, trouble-free, attractive to inspects and smiling well into October - this is the plant for you. We now have eight potted up and ready to go. Just say if you are interested

Incidentally, a possible useful tip. The photo shows a large seed tray that I keep outside the greenhouse. It is usually half full of water with a drop of seaweed feed in it. Newly potted-up plants sit in the water for a couple hours. I find this gives them a good start

Once I've recovered from this morning's blogging trauma, I intend updating the plant list. This lives on a page that you can reach by clicking Plants for You at the top right hand of this home page

A few of the plants being grown on for next year
Having mentioned strawberries, let me again remind you that we have some excellent strawberry plants available. Also some rhubarb and some blueberry plants

In addition, there are loads of perennials coming on for next year. Some are so well advanced that you are welcome to have them for planting now. Why not check out your border and see what needs to be done. If a plant is in the wrong place, move it. If you've got a gap, fill it! The weather is still on your side

Well, I am glad to say that those two hours in the garden have healed the mind. Do you find that? Coming back to the screen with a clearer brain, I think I can see where the software goes wrong. Perhaps it will get sorted one day. Beggars can't be choosers - I don't pay for the use of Blogger and you, as the reader, does not get troubled by adverts

Quiz answers - time to tackle those quiz questions:

Don't tell anyone but Mrs Codger is calling me: time go and get some fish and chips. Just time to confess another case of mistaken identity. The plants at Baddesley Clinton were not labelled so I took a punt on this this flower. I thought it was an aster - but now I'm not so sure. So, Question Zero is name this flower (photo left)

Q1: The Speckled Wood was the second (lower) photo – here is what I saw (photo below) so you will understand the confusion

Q2. This was the questions for intellectuals: The gentleman on the left was F for Fred and F for Flintstone - the famous Fred Flintstone

His friend, who was on the right? The almost as famous, Barney Rubble! 

Q3: Fruit and blossom at the same time: sloes – the fruit of the Blackthorn. I cannot work out if this is unusual phenomenon. Perhaps I had not noticed previously

Q4: It is the alder that bears both male and female catkins at the same time. The tree loves wet conditions and was (is) used for the making of clogs in Holland. (I bought a pair from a shed at the back of a Dutch village store in 1960 but, despite endurance trails never got used to them. The Dutch are hardy souls/soles!)

There is a great website about trees. You can learn about the alder here

Q5: Blackberry!

Q6: Slightly tricky because modern cameras do all sorts of clever things automatically. The two photos were taken with my trusty Nokia 7.1 and accurately renders the glow of the setting sun in the left-hand picture. I have previously mentioned its only defect: it does not cope well with some reds. It is as though the sensor gets blinded and reproduces a colour tone that is over-saturated, if that is the correct expression

However, once again, I am not complaining – the general results are good and the resolution excellent for the amount I paid. My winter homework will be to learn to use it properly. As a bonus I have included some more of the shots from Baddesley Clinton. In case you are not aware, clicking on a photo will give you a larger version

Well folks, thanks for reading - and, if you have, for coming back for Part 2. Don’t forget – there is still time to do some planting …

… best wishes from your old friend, the Garden Codger

Lake in the woods at Baddesley Clinton


This is cheating - a shot just to prove that my lettuce back home are doing fine

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